Dedicace Cath : on tue le temps a Port Moresby comme on peut !
Malheureusement pour nous, le prochain vol etait seulement 2 jours plus tard, ce qui signifiait 2 jours a tuer dans la pas-tres-securitaire-Port-Moresby. Disons qu'une marche de 30 minutes au centre-ville en plein jour fut notre seule sortie pour ces 2 jours (et croyez-nous, c'etait suffisant). On avait pas mal hate d'arriver a Madang, ville sur la cote nord du mainland qui a la reputation d'etre touristique, securitaire et tres belle. Ce que nous avons confirme !!! C'est aussi la ville la plus chaude que j'ai visite dans ma vie : ca par contre, les papous ne te le disent pas !!! C'est a [suite...]
Date: 2009-02-09 12:08:00
Articles de blogs
Famille FR en Nouvelle Zelande: Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée
Jeudi 12 juin départ pour l’aventure. Je pars seul, sans matos, je ne connais rien du film. Je suis censé retrouver Wayne à Cairns ce soir en compagnie de Tom, l’assistant réalisateur, et le matériel loué à Sydney. Wayne est un chef opérateur de Wellington avec qui j’ai déjà travaillé et nous avons une vision commune du métier, c’est lui qui m’a proposé ce travail. Le parcours : Wellington- Sydney 3h30, puis Sydney-Cairns 3h00 , nuit à Cairns, puis Cairns-Port Moresby 1h30 et Port Moresby-Kiunga 1h00 ( parce que direct, sinon une journée ) . Arrivée à Port Moersby [suite...]
Date: 2008-07-27 04:42:00
Bible Commentary, vol. 3, p. 1014. La volonté de glorifier Dieu Joy Josephine Torato, Port Moresby, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée Lundi ESPRIT DE PROPHÉTIE 1 Co 10.31 « Dieu nous demande un sacrifice vivant, pas un qui soit mort ou moribond. Lorsque nous comprendrons les exigences de Dieu, nous verrons qu’il veut que nous le glorifiions dans notre corps et notre esprit qui lui appartiennent. Comment y arriver si nous cédons à l’appétit au détriment des forces physiques et morales ? Dieu exige que nous présentions notre corps comme un sacrifice vivant. Par conséquent, il est de notre [suite...]
Date: 2010-05-24 21:32:00
"Qui me trompe une fois, honte à lui ; qui me trompe deux fois ...
On assiste à une levée de boucliers au moment où l’Indonésie s’apprête à rapatrier des centaines de réfugiés mélanésiens qui vivent, parfois depuis plus de trente ans, dans des campements de la capitale, Port Moresby, ou le long de la frontière avec la province indonésienne. L’Indonésie a pris le contrôle de la Papouasie-Occidentale, en 1969, après un vote controversé organisé par l’ONU. Environ 1 000 villageois présélectionnés dans la région de Papouasie avaient participé à ce vote favorable à l’Indonésie. Le gouverneur de Port Moresby, Powes Parkop, estime [suite...]
Date: 2009-11-19 08:56:00
MIT's “Manhattan Project” For Energy | Hybrid Auto News - Hybrid Cars
In PNG, an additional spur pipeline is under consideration to supply gas-based industrial projects by Japan’s Itochu and India’s Oswal in Port Moresby. Although the West Australian Government tried to capitalise on the Southern Highlands state of emergency, suggesting customers would be safer contracting with WA gasfields, the feeling in PNG and Oil Search is increasingly that the east coast “foundation customers” are getting a cut-price deal in an era of soaring natural gas demand. … Meanwhile, the company is working intensively to keep up production from its maturing oil fields [suite...]
Date: 2010-09-15 22:47:40
6 Budget Travel Tips for Papua New Guinea
Roberto Rocha shares advice for saving money on a trip to this island nation sitting just north of Australia. PNG is one of the least developed countries in the world, but it’s one of the most expensive for travellers. There’s little tourism infrastructure, and virtually nothing for budget travel. As a result, typical visitors are moneyed folks willing to pay top dollar for the country’s world-class diving, snorkelling, birdwatching, trekking, and cultural shows. But travel on the cheap is possible, as my girlfriend and I recently discovered on an impromptu trip. Here are some ways we [suite...]
Date: 2010-08-04 14:27:22
Vol Port Moresby au départ de Cairns QantasLink
Auteur: Tania Catégorie: Actualités voyages, Compagnie Régulière Tags: billet avion Port Moresby, Oneworld, Qantas Date: 27.05.2010 La filiale de Qantas Oneworld, QantasLink met à la disposition de ses passagers le vol Port Moresby au départ de Cairns. Ce vol Port Moresby au départ de Cairns prendra effet à compter du 1er juillet 2010. La compagnie aérienne QantasLink dessert le billet avion Port Moresby au départ de Cairns. Le vol Port Moresby au départ de Cairns sera effectué à raison de cinq vols hebdomadaires, c’est-à-dire, le lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi et [suite...]
Date: 2010-05-27 05:35:28
What should Australia do about Papua New Guinea?
But Julia Gillard can change all this nonsense starting this year when she later visits Port Moresby. So PNG might not expect it now but she needs ALP's endorsement to get tough with PNG. Australia must do this because its aid money is wasted in PNG. As 'charity begins at home’, Gillard now needs to also do more for her own poor people, especially the majority of Australian indigenous and the Torres Strait people, instead of sending it north of the 10th parrallel. While the whole AusAid programme has merits, the basic approach of just giving PNG its taxpayers' money to be only [suite...]
Date: 2010-07-19 00:56:31
Port Moresby transforms into a farming city
The annual volume of fresh produce imported into Port Moresby in 2007 was estimated to be just under 7, 500 tonnes, comprising 2,500 tonnes from international air and sea arrivals; 3, 500 tonnes from domestic sea arrivals; and 1, 430 tonnes from domestic air arrivals; - Fresh produce production in the peri-urban areas was approximately 8, 500 tonnes during the dry season from the six surveyed settlement areas, which translated into a total production of 50,000 tonnes per year from all settlements; - Most fresh produce was sourced from Central province and the NCD and very little was sourced [suite...]
Date: 2010-01-09 14:00:00
Book Publishing and Reprinting of Books
The reprints of some of the classics include Sana: Michael Somare’s autobiography, two books written by Amirah Inglis: Karo: The Life and Fate of a Papuan and Not a White Woman Safe: Sexual Anxiety and Politics in Port Moresby 1920-1934, and a number of other books of note to Papua New Guinea. All these books are now on sale at the Unibookshop. In opening the Buk2Buk Fair, the Pro Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea and the Chairman of Univentures, the business arm of UPNG, Mr. Camilus Narokobi, challenged Papua New Guineans to write more books. The establishment of the [suite...]
Date: 2010-08-28 05:52:00
Cinderellas or Philatelic Treasures?
A single die perforating machine was sent to Port Moresby which was capable of perforating up to six sheets of paper with a single impression. This machine was used to puncture the first official issues, the Small Papua overprint on BNG and the later Papua lithographs. There are a number of BNG Small Papua overprints that were used in the perforating trials before the official issue. These trials are believed to be dated 21 May 07 on stamps that had been cancelled at an earlier date and were on hand. While these stamps are genuine they were not officially issued, but appear to have found [suite...]
Date: 2010-07-26 04:00:24
Port Moresby mostly self-reliant in fruit, vegetable production
“The volume of fresh produce being supplied from the Highlands into Port Moresby appeared to be decreasing while supplied from Central province and the NCD are increasing,” according to the study. “The annual volume of fresh produce imported into Port Moresby in 2007 was estimated to be just under 7, 500 tonnes, comprising 2, 500 tonnes from international air and sea arrivals; 3,500 tonnes from domestic sea arrivals; and 1, 430 tonnes from domestic arrivals. “Fresh produce production in the peri-urban areas was approximately 8, 500 tonnes during the dry season from the six surveyed [suite...]
Date: 2009-08-17 05:22:00
En vadrouille avec les papous - Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Salut, deja dans l'avion de la companie Air Niugini, tu sens que la notion de luxe et de conformt risque d'etre sensiblement differente en Papouasie. T'atteris a l'aeroport, il est 6h du matin et devant [suite...]
Date: 2008-08-08 01:06:37