Majorontour: Mosque Umayad
The Mosque was converted from a Byzantine cathedral (which in turn had occupied the sit of the Temple of Jupiter)in AD705, around which time, under Umayyad rule Damascus had become the capital of the Islamic world and the Caliph (the head of state in a Caliphate, and the title for the leader of the Islamic Ummah, an Islamic community ruled by the Shari'ah), built what he called “ a mosque the equal of which was never designed by anyone before me or after me’. This isn’t an exaggeration. Inside this ornate mosque lies the supposed resting places of John the Baptists head, (Prophet Yehia [suite...]
Date: 2010-09-14 14:10:00
Articles de blogs
Moments In Words From Hadhramout: The Great Umayyad Mosque, Damascus
That mosque the Caliph was talking about is the Great Umayyad Mosque - جامع بني أمية الكبير - in Damascus. A mosque like no other: grand, exquisite and one of the most impressive mosques you can ever see. And one of the finest examples of Muslim architecture and the first one to be so large and with such luxury. Very few places on Earth have such an incredible hisotory as this site; and for so many religions and beliefs. Very few other mosques too, have some of the darkest past of Islam enshrined in it as here. This mosque, too, is a living testimony to the great Golden Age [suite...]
Date: 2010-02-11 04:45:00
Mezquita Cordoba
It also has a wide open and gaping court, windows made of colored glass, beautiful mosaics and lovely minarets. In architectural style, the Mezquita is comparable to the Mosque of Damascus in many aspects. In front of the mosque there is a lovely garden with oranges and beautiful fountains. Christian influence The Royal Chapel of Alfonso X is maybe the best example of Christian influence on the building. Inside the chapel, visitors can see two pulpits designed by Michel de Verdiguier and fascinating choir stalls by Pedro Duque Cornejo made in Baroque style. There are also a beautiful altar [suite...]
Date: 2010-09-16 05:13:00
Experiencing Damascus
The ancient city of Damascus is the capital of Syria. The old city has many markets, mosques and shrines. The most famous mosque is the 8th century Umayyad Mosque. Built in 705 AD, it is one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world. A silver shrine in the centre of the prayer room of the mosque is said to contain the head of John the Baptist. This location is revered by Muslims and Christians alike. Next to the northwest corner of the mosque is Saladin’s Mausoleum. Saladin was a sultan who opposed the Crusaders in the 12th century. Azam Palace is also near the old city [suite...]
Date: 2010-09-14 10:56:01
Waking Up to Radical Islam - Grendel Report
In spite of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's recent New York Times op-ed written to calm American concerns about the Ground Zero mosque, as the bright light of public scrutiny shines on this proposed mosque, Americans are discovering elements ... mosques have traditionally symbolized the triumph and supremacy of Islam over all other religions and people: Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem was built on top of Solomon's Temple; the Umayyad mosque in Damascus is over the church of St. John [suite...]
Date: 2010-09-16 15:00:55
Unsuccessfully sneaking into a mosque. - Damascus, Syria Travel Blog
Unsuccessfully sneaking into a mosque.: Read the story and see photos of a visit to Damascus, Syria by TravelPod member [suite...]
Date: 2010-09-16 20:17:03
El Bahia de tous les scandales, Hôtel Châteauneuf, palais des ...
L’hôtel Châteauneuf, le Palais des congrès et la mosquée Ibn Badis, un gâchis qui continue de narguer le bon sens et de peser comme un boulet qui entrave l’envolée d’Oran vers le futur et vers la modernité. La ville cache mal ses furoncles hideux qui agressent le visiteur venu découvrir ses charmes. Oran ne sait plus à quel saint se vouer pour voir ces chantiers qui s’éternisent livrés et leur dossier volumineux enfin rangé dans les tiroirs de l’histoire. La volonté ne suffit plus et quand on évoque la question avec des responsables locaux, on bute sur un mur de [suite...]
Date: 2010-02-08 02:06:23
L.H Photo » A nous Damas !
Comme annoncé dans le précédent article, nous nous présentons le 2 août 2010 à l’embarquement à Paris CDG et hop, destination Damas ! Nous sommes loin de savoir ce qui nous attend et je pourrai même ajouter que, personnellement, je pars avec un esprit relativement pollué d’aprioris faciles et tellement communs qu’ils ne m’interpellent même pas. Je ne suis pas totalement coupé de mon pays et de ses turpitudes… L’arrivée à Damas le 3 août se fait à 3h ou 4h du matin ; autant vous dire que c’est particulier. Pas de décalage horaire, mais une grosse fatigue [suite...]
Date: 2010-09-12 21:52:39
Chrétiens Magazine: ND de Soufanieh (Syrie) - L'histoire et le ...
Notre Père, qui êtes aux Cieux, que Votre Nom soit sanctifié, que Votre Règne arrive, que Votre Volonté soit faite sur la Terre comme au Ciel; Donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien, pardonnez-nous nos offenses comme nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensé, et ne nous laissez pas succomber à la tentation, mais délivrez-nous du mal. Ainsi soit-il. Je vous salue, Marie pleine de grâces, le Seigneur est avec vous. Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère [suite...]
Date: 2007-11-09 08:00:00
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